Software development is a complex process. Numerous issues must be overlooked. Releases are planned. Expenditure is recorded. Since 2008 the development of Topincs is supported by an online database for issue tracking. The history of a Topincs is completely documented.
A software is living product. New requirements are popping up. Bugs are discovered. In this clip you see, how a bug is recorded.
Keeping track of how much time goes into each issue is essential for a software business. In this short clip you see how to record the beginning of a work session.
While working on an issue, research results are stored directly at the issue.
In the course of development priorities changes. Some issues are given priority, others are delayed. Here you see how an enhancement, an issue with new functionality, is moved from a later version to the current one.
At the end of each issue is its resolution. Every developer is looking forward to that moment. Here you can watch how the work session of a bug fix is resolved and the result is documented with a screenshot. Through the resolution the bug is considered fixed.
All issues that have been recorded, but are neither resolved nor rejected, can be accessed in a HTML document.
When planning a new release, it is necessary to review open issues.
The release notes of Topincs are a HTML document generated on on page access from online-database. They reach back to the year 2008, when this issue tracking system was created and brought to use.
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